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What are the ways to findout the prices for getting the SEO solutions? - Printable Version

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What are the ways to findout the prices for getting the SEO solutions? - 544 - 05-20-2014 09:42 AM

What are the ways to findout the prices for getting the SEO solutions?

- Abdul - 05-20-2014 09:43 AM

Hi Prabhunathan,

Getting price for SEO service depends on various parameter, the pricing depends on the key words you want to use, there are different prices for 10 keywords, 15 keywords, and goes on.

Do let me know if you need any additional information,


Abdul Kareem

- Julien VC - 05-20-2014 09:55 AM

Every company has a different way to charge for their services.
It can go with a basic set up, one time fee, to a monthly charge for on-going optimization or yearly contracts.
Depending on what your knowledge is and how comfortable you are maintaining your rankings, you can choose from a partial to complete service.
Generally, the pricing doesn't work per keyword, but per page where you can work on 2 to 5 different keywords.
In order to find out more about pricing, search for SEO Companies in Google! Smile They should be up on the first pages Smile

Type website marketing in for example... tada!

If you want more information about complete service and pricing, you can go on

Hope this helps,

- Mary - 05-20-2014 10:09 AM

As I know it depends on the nature of the keyword, whether the keyword is a competitive one or less competitive keyword etc etc. Price doesn't depend on number of keywords.

- Hertha Kelman - 05-20-2014 10:19 AM

I used the services of!They provide a free demo report with which you can come to know about their professional standards!

I have used several of their programs, most have rocked, some didnt -- so overall, I say that they are safe to do business with and have good programs.
They were good for me and my site ranks well for the keywords in descent time!

If you want you can contact them via the contact us page on! (just my 2 cents) Smile

- Sra Vish - 05-20-2014 10:31 AM

it totally depends upon the company

- Helen Miller - 05-20-2014 10:42 AM

There are may ways finding out prices.. you can go search in search engines like google or yahoo. check out this site