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What should my new username be? - Printable Version

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What should my new username be? - Sam - 05-20-2014 11:35 AM

I have mostly been using the username Flyerboy10 for most websites. Now that i'm getting older its a bit embarrassing. So, I ask you, what should my new username be? It'd be nice to have Flyer somewhere in there but not necessary. My name is Sam if that helps. The word Flyer has nothing to do with the hockey team.


- 481 - 05-20-2014 11:49 AM

get your fav hockey team and put flyer in exmaple: chicagoflyer__ <---- number of your fav player example mine would be

LeafsFlyer43 Smile. hope tht helped

- moneybagzkd - 05-20-2014 11:58 AM

Sam_TheFlyer. This sounds pretty cool and it's not embarassing imo.

- Boss - 05-20-2014 12:00 PM
