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Is it wrong to distance myself and take a break from FB if I'm going through a difficult life phase? - Printable Version

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Is it wrong to distance myself and take a break from FB if I'm going through a difficult life phase? - sugar1973 - 05-20-2014 12:27 PM

I'm going through a rough patch where very little seems to be moving forward. I've been struggling with depression, reapplying to grad school, severe financial debts, no health insurance, unemployment, and not finding an honest relationship with a guy. I really try to be happy for people in my life and I've been there for others, but being on FB makes me feel worse for some reason. People seem to brag too much on there--friends, family, acquaintances. I really can't unfriend these people. I feel like I'm in a daze when I go out with them. Am I being oversensitive/overreacting?

Now some people on there are wondering if something is wrong with me because I've decided to remove myself for a while from FB and outings with friends until I get back on my feet emotionally. Some know about my situation and they make it a point to make more of a show, knowing that it might get a reaction out of me. I've been searching inside myself to see why I feel so bad about seeing everyone get ahead so easily, while I make so much effort and I get more into a hole. Others react happily and make comments and such. Why do I feel so bad and want to run away? Is it wrong to do so until I'm ready to face them and be more supportive? I'm trying to understand if I'm being weak for secluding myself and all these feelings are just because I'm not all happy and smiling like everyone else.

- supreme sandwhich - 05-20-2014 12:37 PM

Maybe you should get your life on track instead of worrying about Facebook and literally wasting time.

- kali - 05-20-2014 12:44 PM

Deactivate your FB account now. Seriously, deactivate it, that way you won't be tempted to sign in. I deactivated my account for a month and I got SO much done. Don't let other people's opinions and ideas rule your life. You are your number 1, and no one else is going to be your biggest fan until you become your biggest fan. Get your life in order; f*ck those other people.

- Leona - 05-20-2014 12:46 PM

Deactivate it until you get your life back on track. Seriously Facebook is just a waste of time. It's just full of attention seeking wh*res and dumb pictures (like the "like if you like candy, keep scrolling if you love the devil.) Just deactivate.