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People you may know list and stalking? - Printable Version

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People you may know list and stalking? - 211 - 05-20-2014 01:14 PM

Ok, I've been stalking one guy's facebook profile like my life depended on it. Now I'm afraid that I already am on his people you may know list. That would be awkward because we have no mutual friends. I can't help it that I really like him...
What I wanted to ask - is it possible to show up on someone's people you may know list if you stalk their profile enough?

- Reuben - 05-20-2014 01:25 PM

I don't think so, I think the related people list is generated from the mutual friends that he/she most contacts on facebook. However, even if you do get on his people you may know list, he wouldn't think anything of it! Kinda weird though?

- Stephanie - 05-20-2014 01:32 PM

If you have mutual friends, you will be on his "People you may know" list. Checking his profile a lot won't get you there.

But, this is something I'll never understand. There's no need to sneak around playing these little games. What good is it going to do you? You like him, so talk to him, then friend him. If he rejects you, move on. At least you'll know you have no chance and you'll stop wasting your time with this.