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Do friends who block you on facebook/phone ever change their mind and apologize? - Printable Version

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Do friends who block you on facebook/phone ever change their mind and apologize? - 756 - 05-20-2014 03:54 PM

My friend got mad at me because I said no to helping her out as I was busy. She then blocked me and said dont call. I feel she is 100% wrong in this situation She is always busy and I always forgive her but the one time I dont have time she ends it. Is there any chance she will apologize for it or is it to move on?

- Jim Spanel - 05-20-2014 03:58 PM


- Joseph - 05-20-2014 04:00 PM

There might be a chance she might.

- ros - 05-20-2014 04:06 PM

She might apologize but you need to move on and show her and yourself that you will not keep tolerating being taken lightly anymore. Show some self respect. Don't cling to her like she is the only person in this world who gives you a bit of attention (her behavior says she doesn't care about you) so get real. Recognize that you deserve better and start moving towards it. You will thank yourself later. And when she finally decides to come along (because she will recognize that you are stronger than her) and want you to be friends again, she will finally treat you with the respect you deserve. Show people how to treat you BY not licking the breadcrumbs (uncaring, fake, shallow, disrespectful friendships) they throw at you. Choose your own meal girl, you have the power to do so. Best of luck.