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Teenagers, men and alcohol? - Printable Version

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Teenagers, men and alcohol? - Gabrielle - 05-20-2014 05:56 PM

Me and my friend both want alcohol (we've had it before) but were too young to buy it so she has this thing going with this married guy so I said to her to ask him to jump in for us but she said she's to shy but I could ask him. I don't know him so my friend said add him on fb and start talking to him then ask him for the booze. But she also said he might ask for a favor in return (sexual favour, wouldn't be a problem bt I don't know him)
So my questions are;
Should I do this or just wait outside for someone to get me a jump in?
What should I say to the guy?
How far do you think he'll ask me to go just for alcohol?
Don't give me a lecture or anything on alcohol or prostitution please Thankyou
Sorry didn't know what to put this under

- James - 05-20-2014 06:10 PM

First off your kinda a whore if your gunna fuck a married man for some booze. your gunna possibly get pregnant with a random guy for a substance that can kill you. Ok well go ahead and do it, wreck your life, he will take you all the way and your parents will hate you Smile Good luck and straighten out.

-   - 05-20-2014 06:26 PM

You and your friend obviously have a drinking problem. Get help before you both end up dead.

- Jenna - 05-20-2014 06:28 PM

If you are willing to trade your body for alcohol then you have a drinking problem. And possibly a mental problem.

- SuperSnipe - 05-20-2014 06:38 PM

At 13, you should steer away from all this action, before it ends badly for you.