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Starting To Like Friend...? - Printable Version

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Starting To Like Friend...? - tyber - 05-20-2014 06:16 PM

This girl that goes to my school randomly added me on Facebook in December and has been talking to me pretty much non-stop. She always mentions how she doesn't have a boyfriend and hates how people go for looks over personality. However, with that said she told me that I'm not attractive enough to/for her so she wont date me but she also said she loves talking to me/hanging out and thinks I have an awesome personality. Now, I'm not like super crazy about this girl but I do kind of like her a little bit and I'm afraid that if I keep talking to her and hanging around her I'm going to really start to like her and just end up hurting myself in the end. She seems to think that wont happen because it hasn't with her other guy friends.

She has also mentioned that in the past she's had no attraction to friends but over time from really getting to know them and hanging out, she has very rarely developed feelings for them so I shouldnt count on it but it's possible. The thing is though, do I keep talking to her and risk me just liking her more while she still views me as undatable or is it worth the "risk" to hope things change? On the off chance she ends up with someone else (She's never had a boyfriend before and sometimes doubts herself), I'd probably get hurt/jealous too. She's always said it's her dream to have her boyfriend be a friend first. Any advice?

I cant really just cut her off. I don't really want to either, neither one of us really has that many friends.

- Charmaine - 05-20-2014 06:26 PM

sounds to me the girl you're liking is so picky like she can't make up her mind what type of guy she really likes.
now it also seems to me that she really enjoys your company.
it's OK to be friends with her but let's give it a test. if you start pulling away, will she also do the same? that way, you may know if she might have a genuine interest on you.