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I am soon going to be a first time tarantula keeper...? - Printable Version

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I am soon going to be a first time tarantula keeper...? - 736 - 05-20-2014 10:50 PM

So I have some questions

1) I am getting a B. smithi so what (please debate) would be the best substrate, and would a cap layer of sand or a sand/peat/coco/mix work.

2) Meal worms or crickets?

3) How much work should I put into regulating heat or humidity? (the room where I will be keeping her will be about 65 degrees and I live in Colorado so its fairly dry)

4) I will need a hide and already have one, but what about a starter burrow?

5) What is a good place to get one in the Denver area ( its OK if no one answers this one because otherwise I can just look on my own)

6) Will a five gallon aquarium work and where can I get a good lid for it?

7) What is a reasonable price for a female, juvenile, brachypelma smithi?

- Mike - 05-20-2014 10:55 PM

Beginner's Guide to Tarantula Care

- fuzzy - 05-20-2014 11:02 PM

You can get a 10 gallon aquarium it's not that big of a difference in price rage. Or you can be cheap get a big 8 dollar plastic tub at Walmart and poke holes on the side for air or on top. Don't put bark or sharp bark for the substrate that could puncture the Tarantula also Tarantulas are not dessert animals therefor sand is not needed so use Eco Earth also you've a hideout that's good and you need some fake leaves you can get a dollar store last but not least a small water bowl. Mealworms or Crickets both depending on what your T likes don't leave uneaten crickets remove them a few hours if not eaten this is what killed my first Tarantula because listening 2 a stupid sales person Petco because they told me dump 4 or 5 crickets in there and leave them in there crickets are very mean animals and will gang. Also your temperature seems a little cold I would say 75 is normal for a T your best bet is 2 go on Tarantula Classified FB and as around also you will pay more for a Female than a Male