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Am confused, please help.? - Printable Version

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Am confused, please help.? - 363 - 05-21-2014 12:24 AM

I have been friends with a female coworker for about three years now. We both work in a customer focus business. We fell out last year and I was blocked on FB. We were lending each other stuff at the time.
Since the falling out we still lend each other things, we still talk but at times I feel the talking is a little forced. When I say morning to her she shows no emotion. when she says hello to everyone else she smiles. When we talk she rarly uses eye contact and carries on working. Where else with everyone else she stops to talk. This was the same as before. I asked her if she wanted to be friends on FB again in a letter and had no reply.
My question is how can I tell if I am friends with her still, is there a way I can check without it seeming werid? My theory is if I am still blocked then the oringal problem must still exist?

- Stefan - 05-21-2014 12:31 AM

What has happend so that she's ignoring you? Try to talk to her even though i thinki it'll be hard. Just talk to her, there is nothing wierd about what the problem is.

- Superloop - 05-21-2014 12:32 AM

If she still hasn't unblocked you, and still barely acknowledges you, then likely she is still upset with you. I don't know exactly what happened, but she definitely has not forgiven you. If you really want to recover your relationship, then I think it is possible to do so Smile You should get her alone sometime and then tell her that you miss being friends with her. You should also apologize for whatever happened. Just be honest with your feelings and make it clear that you miss being close with her. Good luck to you.

- ADRae13 - 05-21-2014 12:41 AM

From what you describe, she's got no interest in being friends. You are coworkers after all so you guys still need to maintain some sort of civility, which is why she talks to you and is still decently nice to you, but she doesn't act particularly friendly towards you. She's obviously sending you signals that say "I'm only being nice because I have to" I'd suggest going about your life like normal and not trying to force a friendship back on her.