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How can I extend the wifi to my room? - Printable Version

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How can I extend the wifi to my room? - Shorty - 05-21-2014 12:35 AM

So i rent a room with my boyfriend and the people we live with have wifi. The problem is the kid always changes the password and when we ask for it, he gives it to us but changes it again without telling us the new password. What a douche. We so pay for the internet as well. Anyways, my question is, is there anyway I can get ny own wifi router/modem whatever it's called and somehow connect it to theirs without him knowing? If so would I still need a password everytime he changes it or will it automatically do it itself?

- ? - 05-21-2014 12:47 AM

There is no device that will automatically pick up the wifi and new password when its changed. you always have to enter the new password manually. If your paying for the internet, I would have the modem located in your room with your own password for it so the kid can't get into the modem to change it. The password for the wifi you would be able to give out with no worries of anyone changing it. If you dont wanna do that then you could always talk to the kids parents and explain what is going on. hope that helps!

- Shirley - 05-21-2014 01:00 AM

There are loads of ways to try to improve the signal, as working with radio is more luck than anything else.

Firstly try a different channel, on most devices you have a choice of 12 channels, could be that the one you are using has lots of interference from neighbours or other electrical stuff in the house. Log into the router and try a few of the other channels.

Then check the positioning of the router, is it in the middle of the house or as near as you can get is and is it highest point in the room. The optimal place for a router is the middle of a house on the top floow, as router radio signals go out in a circle from the unit rather than directional.

Then consider replacing the aerials on the device, if it has external aerials you can very cheaply replace these with more powerful directional ones.

Then you could consider upgrading the router to wireless N, if you are running G you will get 54mbps speed and about 100ft workable distance indoors, if you switch to N you double both of those. and no you dont need to replace your g receivers as it is backwards compatible (works with g b as well) but if you use G you still only get the g speed.

Then if that fails you could get another router just for the extension, you can put one just near the door where you get a signal and set it to either repeater or bridge to boost the signal.

Oh just so you know where im comming from i live in a 19th century small terrace house, and because of the stone walls have to run two routers myself to get full coverage with both being directional.

- Jazz - 05-21-2014 01:10 AM

How is he a douche, he's paying for internet and you want to mooch off him.