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why is the internet connection in Philippines extremely slow!? - Printable Version

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why is the internet connection in Philippines extremely slow!? - 649 - 05-21-2014 01:04 AM

i dont want to live in this country anymore >.<

- ms.understood - 05-21-2014 01:19 AM

Which one are you using for internet connection?

Pre-paid USB sticks
Post-paid USB sticks
"Broadband" sticks
or DSL?

I'm using PLDT DSL. Works just fine for me since I don't watch too much videos over youtube nor am I fond of download music files from the web. PLDT's connection has slowed down since late March and this article could probably explain what is happening.

Still I prefer DSL over so-called broadband sticks.

- drifter - 05-21-2014 01:21 AM

PLDTs lines were broken under the sea. Since March 28 until late April before it can return to full use again.
See Ms Understoods link. It will explain.

- clncarplz - 05-21-2014 01:25 AM

I use Globe broadband 3 GB for P 999. Much faster than Tattoo stick or PLDT.

If you don't like it here then leave.

- Jeyser Forks - 05-21-2014 01:38 AM

We have Globe internet connection at home. 3MBPS for only P1299 a month. And I tell you, it's pretty fast even if I'm streaming videos, or downloading it. It depends on what connection you have. Though the Philippines has the SLOWEST broadband (sticks) connection.