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Do long conversations mean anything? - Printable Version

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Do long conversations mean anything? - 534 - 05-21-2014 03:17 AM

I decided to add my crush on FB and I was having trouble trying to intiate conversation so my guy friend suggested I poke him. He said if a beautiful girl like you pokes a guy he'll get curious and message you. Shortly after I poked him he poked back and messaged me asking why I poked him. I thought he was going to stop talking to me but then he asked me what's up and we had a nice conversation that only lasted an hour because he had Hw. He said we've never really met but he sees me around and that he saw me at camp. And we started talking about grades and such and turns out we have stuff in common.
Next day I messaged him but he replied four hours later since he hardly goes on FB at day. This time we spoke for three hours even though he had to shower, instead of saying bye he said he'll be back. He asked me if I wanted ice cream and I said how would you bring it to me and he said he'll come to my house but he was completely serious I said no however and he responded with an " oh :/"
Our conversations are really fun and there's never any awkwardness
So what do you guys think is there a chemistry, should I wait for him to message me first next time since he's busy?

- oaklandolee - 05-21-2014 03:26 AM

he asked you out for ice cream of course theres chemistry there! but i would not wait for him to message you because you already said no. so if you want to talk to him, you msg him when you know hes' there.