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Different than pictures led on? - Printable Version

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Different than pictures led on? - Bryce - 05-21-2014 11:07 AM

Okay, so me and this girl met through Facebook mutual friends, we started talking through there and then it developed over a few days, so of course I looked at her pictures on Facebook and she sent me a few so on so forth. Well we finally got together and hung out and when I saw her she was a little different. She had a little more... weight... on her. Like not fat by any means, but not quite as lean as her pictures were either, and they were not photoshopped or anything, I guess it could have just been angle or something. Maybe it could have been we were sitting down a lot so it changed how she looked or something I don't know. But I have a thing for typically pretty athletic girls, that's just who I am attracted to because I used to play football and I'm big into physical fitness, it is just my type, so now I feel awful because our personalities match a lot and we get along amazing but I'm kinda turned off by this... I feel horrible... Am I a bad person and should just get over it or is this good reason? Like she sent a bikini pic the next day from over summer and I was like that is not what I saw last night (of course that is what I thought in my head I didn't actually say that) I just don't know if I'm just being stupid on this or not. Opinions please!

- dana - 05-21-2014 11:15 AM

i'm not sure where you live but up here in the northeast of america it's freezing in the winter & we don't get out much to exercise & i always put on what i call 'winter padding' - it comes off during the warm weather cuz i'm an outdoorsy person - not sure if this is the case but even if she was skinny now (the way you like & how she portrayed herself in her photos) and then put on weight later... cuz people do sometimes (most times) you would no longer be interested in her.... so it's really up to you. can you live w/extra padding or do you need super slim. sometimes you can't have it all.