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Should I confront Girl A, or just let it go? How about girl B? - Printable Version

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Should I confront Girl A, or just let it go? How about girl B? - 995 - 05-21-2014 11:26 AM

I met Girl A last year. We started off quite well. She'd text and call me frequently and show some interest. We went to many places and spent time together doing enjoyable stuff.

There's also Girl B that I had known for four years and am close to her. I introduced both girls to each other and now they are friends. Girl B has actually liked me for the past 4 years, and this has caused some friction between these two girls when I and Girl A went out. Obviously Girl B was not so happy with it.

Now, Girl A has slowed down and even stopped calling and texting me. But she keeps saying that both of us are cool and theres no problem between us. I texted her this morning to clear all doubt but she said shes tired and shell text me back later. Meanwhile, I and Girl B are cool. No problem or whatsoever.

Girl A: I kinda fell for her as she is the fun type and great to be around with. Thing is, she has many guy friends. Looking at her FB page, I realized that she had a few pics of her in the car with a different guy each time, going somewhere. But mine? None. Made me think that going out and spending time with guys is normal to her, and I'm just 'another' guy who happened to come by. Made me feel 'used' too. Made me feel a bit hopeless too. And now shes keeping all quiet.

Girl B: She is the more conservative type. Doesn't go out with guys one-on-one. Is supportive, but a bit 'plain'. She likes me, but I don't feel strongly about her.

Do I confront Girl A, or not?

- 407 - 05-21-2014 11:30 AM

Fuckem all