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I found out my wife cheated on me two years ago what do I do? - Printable Version

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I found out my wife cheated on me two years ago what do I do? - 878 - 05-21-2014 12:00 PM

My wife says anything that I wouldn't do in front of her is cheating. Same goes for doing things I know she wouldn't like with another female. I was going through old pictures on her Instagram for an anniversary video when I came across posts where she is talking to multiple people. Telling one to text her and another to skype her. This was long before I had Instagram so I never saw them until now. She started talking to these people during a break up where she left me completely alone for the holidays stringing me along while she was out doing her own thing. We worked through it even after that. Yes I know I sound like an idiot. I happen to be a very forgiving person and believe in second chances. We've now been married for 8 months and have a child. Since being married I did speak to an ex. I care about people even if we didn't work out. She said it was cheating even if it wasn't sexual or physical. So I discontinued the friendship and to her I've tainted our marriage because I knew she did not want me talking to my ex no matter how innocent it is. Point taken and respected. So now that I found this and it wasn't an innocent friendship but sexual with these people I don't know what to do. She says it was when we weren't together even though the posts are clearly when we were together and they have the dates. She's just denying it all even though there's clear proof and it was sexual and maybe not physical.

- Cuntbiscuits - 05-21-2014 12:11 PM

What sthe problem here ? Then go cheat on her, so you and her will be even?

- StarSwinger - 05-21-2014 12:14 PM

This is something you have to decide for yourself. Have a long talk with her about it. Tell her about the dates and see what type of explanation she gives. Then decide how YOU feel about it. Do you believe her? Do you trust her? Is this something you are willing to forgive?

- Carpe Diem - 05-21-2014 12:16 PM

Sex can be purely physical without love or any emotional attachment. I am not justifying what she did to you. If I was in your shoes i would get her to admit that she cheated and when she does with remorse, I would forgive her. She will never cheat again.

- Jay - 05-21-2014 12:23 PM

Clearly you are both too immature to be married, much less have a kid. Is it too late to get an abortion? I know the kid's already born but maybe it's still legal in some countries to throw it in a lake or something?

- Charlie - 05-21-2014 12:30 PM

The problem is that you're dealing with a liar and you'll never know the truth. So better to accept that now. Why bother asking questions, you'll just be fed more BS. Like 'it wasn't sexual'.

- !~Netti~! - 05-21-2014 12:40 PM

This person you're dealing with is a hypocrite. She want YOU to follow one set of rules and she gets to do whatever she wants.

You need to decide if you want to be a doormat or stand up for yourself.

Tell her she's a hypocrite. And you have the dates, and now she's also a liar.

Tell her you can't trust her anymore, just tell her something instead of letting her walk all over you