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Why is my PS3 internet slow? - Printable Version

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Why is my PS3 internet slow? - 037 - 05-21-2014 12:34 PM

Until about late February/early March the internet connection on my PS3 was completely fine, but now it slowed down for some reason. Nothing has changed, I have the same router and same everything. I use wireless because the router is in the living room and my PS3 is in my room. The only devices that are connected are my laptop and my PS3, but then again, this way it worked great before. Please help, I'm getting so much lag that playing Call of Duty Ghosts and Battlefield 4 is impossible.

- Marc Junod - 05-21-2014 12:39 PM

I lag a lot on black ops but i just turn off my phones WiFi and it usually stops.

- Norak D - 05-21-2014 12:52 PM

Try resetting the modem / router if you haven't already.

- The Shadow™ ® - 05-21-2014 12:58 PM

just because you have not changed anything doesn't mean nothing has changed in your internet connection
someone might have moved nearby and have a router that interferes with the signal from yours making it worse
weather affects radio signals and that's all a wifi signal is , a change in weather can affect the wifi connection
you or someone may have gotten a new phone or another electronic items that interferes with that wifi signal
you could have gotten a virus or spyware on the laptop that changed your router settings , have you done a full scan recently ?
your router could just need to be reset
there might be a firmware update for the routers software to fix a known issue , do you check for updates regularly ?

wifi is not perfect , it constantly changes so you may need to regularly reboot the router and check its settings every few months or just get a new one every few years because they wear out