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Internet Explorer Error Message :Stopped working? - Printable Version

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Internet Explorer Error Message :Stopped working? - Hung - 05-21-2014 01:51 PM

Since 1/13/14, Internet Explorer 9 keeps showing me this message:
"Internet Explorer has stopped working"

It keeps on showing me this message a lot now and it's getting really annoying when I'm doing something. It seems to trigger a lot when something is loading, playing flash games, typing about 30 words, and clicking a lot on a flash game. It's getting really annoying and I tried to reset Internet Explorer Settings and it didn't work. I have an Anti-Virus, cleared unused files, fixed registry, and defragmenting my drive. Nothing seems to be working.

My add-ons are:
Shock-wave Flash Object (Enabled)
Adobe PDF Link Helper (Disabled)
Google Toolbar + Helper (Enabled)
Bing Bar + Helper (Disabled)
Yahoo Toolbar (Enabled)
Windows Live ID Sign-in helper (Disabled)
Research (Disabled)
Discuss (Disabled)
Norton Toolbar + Identity Protection + Vulnerability Protection (Enabled)
Java™ Plug-in SSV Helper + Plug-in 2 (Disabled)
Send to One-Note (Disabled)
Blog This in to Windows Live Writer (Disabled)
Also, I went through two "Internet Explorer has stopped working" while writing this, first one was typing, and the other one was clicking too much on the text box.

- Markus - 05-21-2014 01:52 PM

I highly recommand you to use firefox or google chrome instead of IE.

its probly just flasplayer witch cause your IE to crash, chrome has an inbuild flashplayer witch is much less likely to crash so plz try that

- Minnesota Matt - 05-21-2014 02:00 PM

I agree with Markus, Google Chrome and Firefox are far superior alternatives to Internet Explorer.