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Why do people get scammed with SEO? - Printable Version

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Why do people get scammed with SEO? - Frank S - 05-21-2014 04:22 PM

What do people want regarding SEO and what can really be achieved? Many SEO companies will tell you they can get the #1 position but really all they want is your money. Why do people fall for this time and time again?

- Haleysue - 05-21-2014 04:29 PM

People want a quick fix, but SEO actually takes time and everything you can do yourself
-build links with similar sites
-start a blog that links to your site
-pay for an ad on google adwords to start initial traffic
-post on forums with links to your site (within the terms and conditions)

- Team Bigoyaseo - 05-21-2014 04:34 PM

Hi Frank

I fairly agree with your statement. Normally what happens is ,when a client hires an SEO company they think to make wonders over night. but SEO is a long process or some months at-least and that too with concentration. many SEO companies take much projects then their capacity is, and the client never achieve results. and its really wrong on company part to guarantee Rank 1 in google. Though we personally have our many clients rank 1 in Google, but we didn't guaranteed them for it and said that it will take longer time, but its was achieved.
So it depends both upon the company and clients.


- Android App - 05-21-2014 04:50 PM

Actually SEO Is a very long process and requires continuous effort.Nothing can be done in few days.

These ways can be help full to improve Search engine rankings:

Write and Publish Articles and it increases back links to your web site.

Use the Same Keyword for All Your Back links

Start a blog and link it to your site and posting on forums with links to your site will also be help full in increasing the traffic to site.

I hope my answer might be of use to you!

- Stanley Clerge - 05-21-2014 04:52 PM

Businesses try to sell ranking on keyword with no traffic. That's how they get scammed. The next time someone says they can get you rankings tell them to show you what keywords and how many searches per month. There is no magic bullet.

- 986 - 05-21-2014 04:58 PM

Because having no knowledge about seo.

- Tips Expert - 05-21-2014 05:01 PM

People get scamed because they are always looking for the quick fix, they think they can earn money with little and no effort.

Well If it were that easy everyone were doing it, RIGHT? There are some great scams out there, I mean speaking voice like in the movies, amazing 10k screenshots from their own accounts. Trust me I´m a affiliate and I fell for it, decided to give it a try. Well I got SCAMMED like every one else.

With that said I wanted to learn SEO so I spent a lot of hours infront of the computer trying to find out as much as I could about SEO. Ended out with buying a video course that actually lived up to its claims.

If you are looking to learn hands on SEO this is a course that takes you through it step by step. Well at least it got 6 of my sites in the top 3 positions in google.