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I'm considering buying this. Does anyone know if subliminal programs are effective? - Printable Version

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I'm considering buying this. Does anyone know if subliminal programs are effective? - Jerry - 05-21-2014 05:04 PM

Is RealSubliminal an excellent company with products that produce great results? Will listening to the Millionaire Mind Package put me on my way to wealth?

- Fred - 05-21-2014 05:19 PM

Not at all. When companies experimented with subliminal advertising the research showed almost NO results that could not be totally random. This is a big scam. They will also probably rob you.

- Nicholas - 05-21-2014 05:21 PM

Buying it will not put you on the road to wealth, but selling stuff like that is a totally lucrative business.

Those guys didn't get wealthy by listening to their own programs, they got wealthy by selling their programs to people that think they can benefit from them (you).

It's a good business to be in, even if it doesn't actually produce verifiable results. Just produce the programs, set up an online store with your catalogue of products, sell the products, quit your job and go lounge on a beach somewhere for the next 5 years. Obviously there's some financial investment and hard work involved, but that's the general idea.

In the end, the tapes might work for some people, but not for the intended reason. It might just be more of a motivational boost and placebo effect rather than actual subconscious programming.