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Internet keeps going out? - Printable Version

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Internet keeps going out? - 119 - 05-21-2014 05:59 PM

So for a couple of weeks my internet randomly goes out, when it goes out it works on my Ipad and other sony ps vita but not on my computer, I think i might be getting DDoS'd because someone might have gotten my IP on a chat, so how do I stop this from happening again? oh and I tried to reset my router and didn't change my ip.


- Taylor - 05-21-2014 06:04 PM

if your computer is a desktop it makes sense that you still get internet connection. I sugest calling your internet provider and talking to them about it

- Sharda - 05-21-2014 06:09 PM

IP are dynamically assigned by your ISP provider.
Just turn off computer and switch off the internet wireless device.
Wait for 30 mins and turn back on.
Everything should be fine.

- V. Perkins - 05-21-2014 06:15 PM

Bzzzt! Wrong! The correct answer is, "... you're not interesting enough for someone to DDoS."

So, stop the random chats, make sure your firewall is up/on, and come up with a new theory because a DDoS attack would cause ALL of your devices to not work since they'd be attacking your router (the true holder of your Public IP) -- not your PC.

Oh, and the reason your Public IP didn't change is that you didn't turn off your router long enough. There's a time value called "Lease Time." Your router needs to be off longer than that value *plus* the time it takes to give someone else your old IP. Otherwise, when you turn on your router their side says, "Oh, there you are!" and hands you your old IP address again. Your router does the same thing for devices in your house.