Twitist Forums trustworthy? any reviews...? - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: trustworthy? any reviews...? (/thread-158231.html) trustworthy? any reviews...? - Giselle - 05-21-2014 08:07 PM

Has anyone ever bought any balloons from this website? I need some for my daughter's birthday but I just want to make sure if it's legit. If you've bout from this website before, would you mind giving me your reviews? Thanks!
& it's not the website that leads to a store in California it let me choose the balloons i wanted and asked me for credit card info & had a shipping & handling price which was like $8.85 or something like that, i haven't put in any info yet though.

- Jake - 05-21-2014 08:18 PM

The web site name has been around for 7 years, and is preregistered several years into the future, generally a sign that they have serious plans to be around.

They do give a phone number and address, which are trust factors, but Google maps shows the address is the entrance to a park.