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Uses of USB Wireless Adapter? - Printable Version

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Uses of USB Wireless Adapter? - 079 - 05-21-2014 08:40 PM

I recently bought a laptop and I love everything about it, except for the wireless connection. It seems like the wireless adapter my computer came with is not very effective. If I am sitting right next to my router, it works fine, but I generally am not that close to my router when I use my computer. After doing some research, it seems like purchasing a USB wireless adapter may help fix my issue. Can you tell me what exactly a wireless adapter is? Do I need to make sure its compatible with my current router or does it provide internet access through the adapter regardless of whether there is a router around? Additionally, my roommates will stream netflix most days, so will a USB wireless adapter remedy the issue of netflix hogging our internet connection?? I've seen many high rated usb wireless adapters for $40-$50 which seems like a very reasonable price if it can guarantee I will always have strong internet connection.


- Pieman - 05-21-2014 08:53 PM

Maybe the adapter is defective. Or maybe where you use it, has too much interference.

- Andy L. - 05-21-2014 09:03 PM

A wireless adapter sends and receives radio frequency at 2.4GHz and/or 5GHz frequencies and essentially becomes ethernet. If a wireless modem and wireless receiver-adapter both are dual band, it can use both frequencies, and the 5GHz travels a longer distance.
It involves an antenna that can be small or large.
A wireless modem sends and receives the data.
Data is sent in packets, and if not properly received has to be re-sent. So, signal integrity is important.

Internet, as either ethernet or wireless, cycles between connections. If 5 people are using it, the signals cycle from one to the next. The more things that are using it, the slower each receiver is.
If movies are being sent, it takes a lot of the bandwidth.
There are considerations in wireless of:
Frequencies used, bandwidth, speed, stability, and strength of the signal.

Things that can be done:
A better stronger wireless modem, going dual band on both receiver/adapter and modem, a stronger internet connection into the router, a wireless repeater(bridge) which receives and re-broadcasts the signal, or a better USB adapter with a better antenna.

Netflix will still hog the bandwidth as the modem cycles between connections.

Newegg, Tigerdirect, Amazon, Microcenter, Frys, Best Buy, and other stores sell USB adapters and range extenders. You can check customer feedback at some sites, and also check whether it supports your Windows version.

- David - 05-21-2014 09:19 PM

Try on another router - maybe your router is poor.
If that is not the case these are good:
there is also a 2amp version I think and maybe cheaper prices.
I own such adapter and it is way better than what I have tried from popular brands. I have tested a bunch of these exactly to get a better range.