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What shall I do? - Printable Version

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What shall I do? - 890 - 05-21-2014 10:13 PM

Ok so I met a guy recently through mutual friends and we got talking on facebook

He told me he thinks I'm beautiful and cute and sees me as girlfriend material but he said he also really really wants to have sex with me?!

I dont know what to make of him, is this a red flag?

Please help!

- SAYEED - 05-21-2014 10:16 PM

If his main motive is sex I think you shouldn't go for him. It could be a trap for only sex. And of course he is your facebook friend. You don't know him. So you shouldn't trust him for your own sake.

- Jameka - 05-21-2014 10:28 PM

Dont do it bad idea youll end up with hurt feeling like me

- David - 05-21-2014 10:36 PM

Well do you wanna have sex with him? If you feel forced into anything then dont be with him. Wanting sex straight away is never good.

- James - 05-21-2014 10:41 PM

I think he likes you but for him to so quick to say that he wants to have sex with you on face book doesn't make him much of a gentleman.

I would think he wasn't in a right state of mind. Maybe he was drunk because his behaviour is very off-putting to any nice woman out there. Women know at the end of the day that guys who like them would want to have sex with them so there isn't any need to start off with asking for sex so rawly and rudely.

My only advice to you is if you fancy him then you've got to exercise a little bit of patience. Do not tell him off immediately just don't give yourself to him so easily. ~Good luck