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I'm worried he might like her? - Printable Version

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I'm worried he might like her? - 455 - 05-21-2014 11:23 PM

There is guy I like, we are both 15. I messaged him on fb last week and it went really well, we sent a lot of emojis and kisses. He found out that I like him and he said he didn't believe it but he kept looking at me at school and flirted with me over msg. But when I tried to message him again he didn't see it until the next day and then ignored it. Also, he hasn't messaged me back? My friend asked him if he liked me and he just said he doesn't know me very well and that I'm very nice. She send him a msg asking if he had bbm and then broadcasted my pin so he would see it and add me, but he hasn't? I'm really worried that he is going to start messaging her and then he will like her. She is taller prettier and more popular than me and I don't know what to do? I want to message him again but what happens if it goes badly and I look really needy, what do I do?

- Elynn - 05-21-2014 11:39 PM

Dont message him. Just continue your daily life and just lay down for awhile, just let it set in in him about you liking him and he'll come around