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girl not reply? - Printable Version

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girl not reply? - 742 - 05-22-2014 01:01 AM

I've been dating this girl for about a month we get along great, text eachother everyday. Anyways she said she was going to her cousin for a couple of days this was monday. She text me saying she was leaving for her cousins. I replied back saying enjoy your time there ect. She hasn't read that so i left it until friday ( today) i text her phone to make sure she recieved it but still no seen or anything. If she has gone for a couple of days why hasn't she replied. Btw we facebook eacother because she dont have credit she uses fb or whatsapp

- ... - 05-22-2014 01:06 AM

why dont you send her a message on fb to ask about it?

- Vickey Vamp - 05-22-2014 01:22 AM

It could be that she is either avoiding you on purpose or she is able to communicate with you for unknown reasons. Don't make too much of a big deal out of it, but whenever you two do get in touch, ask her about it.