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What is your favorite social media? - Printable Version

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What is your favorite social media? - Jess - 05-22-2014 07:33 AM

What are your favorite social media sites or apps?
facebook, twitter, instagram, vine, tumblr, google plus, snapchat, etc...

Name them in order than you like the most and tell me why you like it!! (:

- Lara Croft - 05-22-2014 07:43 AM


- ßloodlusT - 05-22-2014 07:59 AM

Tumblr !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- Andrew - 05-22-2014 08:13 AM

Instagram... Very artistic

- Samantha - 05-22-2014 08:30 AM

Snapchat all the way!

- There 4 Tomorrow - 05-22-2014 08:32 AM

i don't use any of that

Y!A is really the only website i'm active on

- Kayleigh - 05-22-2014 08:36 AM


- Pavel Salamakha - 05-22-2014 08:49 AM

My favourite social media is google+ and youtube comments.

- EE - 05-22-2014 08:53 AM

I only use facebook and I like it the best. And one point or another, I tried all the other ones you listed, and I just didn't really like them all that much. I personally think that facebook is much simpler and more social. I like that theres a newsfeed in facebook that shows all of your friends' activity and that you can just comment if you want to and chat with people. I normally use facebook for communication and to check up on what my friends are up to through their posted pics and stuff. The other sites you listed really serve to do a single thing as where facebook does all those things. Like for vine, you can watch vines on facebook and you can also post pics on facebook, which makes instagram useless to me.

- 943 - 05-22-2014 08:56 AM

tumblr, youtube, instagram