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Please suggest me some SEO courses which are feasible...? - Printable Version

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Please suggest me some SEO courses which are feasible...? - 868 - 05-22-2014 01:47 PM

Hi friendzz...
I am a fresher in the SEO field. Currently I am working on the same field. Please suggest me with some of the SEO courses so that to gain good knowledge on the same.

Thanks alot...!!!

- Tom Patrick - 05-22-2014 01:52 PM

NO need to go for a course and waste your time and money

just need to follow th blog by mattcutts
google webmaster blog
google blog central

these willl keep you updated with the lated changes that Google makes it the ranking algo

and participate in the SEO forrms it will help you gain knowledge
ask questions there and get our answers from the best on the industry