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SHOULD I DO THE THIS? GIRLS? - Printable Version

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SHOULD I DO THE THIS? GIRLS? - 827 - 05-22-2014 04:08 PM

There's this girl on Facebook who's messaged me 3 times already, always late at night, she either starts the convo with a question or just at what's up, she's asked me for advice with her relationship, she said I give really good advice, and she's said she "really likes my humor" ik awkward the one to end the conversations too because well, like I said she messages me at like 11-12 A.M! So I get tired around 4-5, and as long as she's not snapchatting anyone she keeps the conversations well paced, replies fast, our conversations are weird, and she's told me some pretty personal stuff about her self too, about how she sometimes cuts herself and about her organ problems, and her surgery scars, it's not a pity party though, so should I show more interest or something? She added me on FB by the way, she asked me "if we're friends" too, so what do you girls make if it?

- Tierra Harris - 05-22-2014 04:20 PM

Like she's a total stranger? She probably needs someone to empty her feelings to. Some people don't have family members or friends to do that to an she finds more of a connection online to you. I find it interesting that she tells you so much and it's really nice of you to speak to her about her problems. Hope this helps! (: