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I… kinda fought with my crush? - Printable Version

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I… kinda fought with my crush? - 496 - 05-22-2014 08:19 PM

I don't even know if I could call him my crush… I mean he does hang out with a lot of other girls and it looks like he likes them too, but anyways,

I was talking to him on Facebook and we were teasing each other in a friendly way, but then he started to talk about me being mean to my mom and I tried to explain to him I was in a phase but he kept making up more stuff to accuse me of, though I was just mad that day he met my mom(though my whole week wasn't that good) and i was "rude" to her, though I wasn't actually being mean about it(Plus we both have complete opposite personalities). I guess I understand since he said he hasn't seen his mom in awhile, but he started to accuse me more and more and then I ended it by saying something about being depressed this whole year or something and he never talked to me since. Well, this was yesterday, but tomorrow I don't know if he'll talk to me again or ignore me.

Help? Tips? What should I do? I don't want to ruin a friendship… or whatever this is we have going on.

- Dian - 05-22-2014 08:27 PM

He should feel badly, not U !!!! Bringing up mom/daughter issues on FB is un-cooth and hitting below the belt !!!! He should apologize to U !!!! He was fighting unfairly !