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Free Spell Check for Chrome? - Printable Version

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Free Spell Check for Chrome? - 274 - 05-22-2014 11:07 PM

Hi there. I've been looking for a spell/grammar check for Chrome, but can't find one. If you know of a spell/grammar check that isn't Ginger or Grammarly, it would be appreciated. Because I can't seem to find one that is for free. Ginger only gives you a few suggestions and then it stops for an x amount of time. Grammarly only has a 7 day free trial, and even if I did have the money to purchase it, I wouldn't because it wouldn't be worth it just for me to be able to check my spelling and grammar.

I go to homeschooling online and I'm an aspiring author, so I write and type things up on my laptop all the time. It would be wonderful if there was some sort of free spell/grammar check to use. If any of you guys know of one that is free, I would greatly appreciate it Smile Thank you!

- Annie - 05-22-2014 11:14 PM

On the Google page, on the top right corner beside the images you will find apps, under which there is translator.. Using translator you can do spell checks, find synonyms, and meanings.