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How to use two internet connections in same computer? - Printable Version

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How to use two internet connections in same computer? - Vijay - 05-22-2014 11:50 PM

I have two internet connections, one is bsnl (8mbps) & second tata (1 mbps),
The query is we are using in our office tata for internet & files sharing for eight systems , but BSNL is only for one system (my system).
Now I connected TATA with Ethernet port & BSNL with usb (dialup connection)

Want to know how I user TATA for only files sharing with our internet & BSNL as a default internet connection.

Please reply if any one knows.

Thanks in advance.


- Katie Miller - 05-23-2014 12:01 AM

That's just greedy.... You only need one.... Smile xxx

- Eric - 05-23-2014 12:13 AM

its tricky but you can set up a server for the TATA connecting all the computers in the office to that, requiring a login for the use of internet and file sharing for each computer.
your is easy, you default the BSNL as your default internet connection, and log into the TATA server when you need to. resulting in it turning into only a file sharing connection because you still have the BSNL active
if i am correct it should work
in my opinion i agree with the guy above me...i would jsut turn the BSNL connection into the server and use that, makes thing less complicated