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How do I report a website? - Printable Version

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How do I report a website? - allysa - 05-23-2014 03:41 AM

I recently bought some daily contact lenses from a website in East Asia. Unfortunately the contacts don't stick to my eyes. The first few days they worked perfectly, but after a week they began to fall out of my eyes or they would not even go in! I gave up wearing them and went back to glasses! I contacted the website asking for my money back or an exchange but they won't respond! I've waited for their response for almost 3 weeks but none were given. I want to report them, but I don't know how to go about it. I live in the United states and they are from Thailand or Vietnam. I also used paypal bill me later program to pay it if anyone wonders.
I did business with them before where I bought some contact lenses and they worked perfectly fine and the people were very responsive and polite.

- LT - 05-23-2014 03:48 AM

You can report all you want but nothing will happen. If you were so silly to buy something like this from some company in another country you got what you asked for. Buy like this, you are lucky you even received the contacts. Please tell me you did not really fall for this and ordered the contacts and the question is really just a joke.

- Thomas - 05-23-2014 04:04 AM

Paypal may have a complaints procedure. Other than that, you are stuffed I'm afraid. :-(