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My brother has been deleted mail. Someone made a mail with the same username. Now he hacked on fb can not send? - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: My brother has been deleted mail. Someone made a mail with the same username. Now he hacked on fb can not send? (/thread-158630.html)

My brother has been deleted mail. Someone made a mail with the same username. Now he hacked on fb can not send? - 992 - 05-23-2014 03:55 AM

in the password to regain fb. Please help me. Yahoo mail him was: peca1987

- trooper6387 - 05-23-2014 03:56 AM

Steps to take when your account has been forged. (someone is sending out emails with your email address)
How can you tell if your account has been hacked
My account is sending spam
The below links provide information on your account being hacked and MANY other yahoo issues.....;_ylt=Ath11FnkPYQZ0mmzKqZuRGcHjSN4
Open the two first links in the above link
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++​++++++++++++++ If you have not done this this step may help you when your account has been definitely should incorporate.
Setting up your second sign-in verification

Note: Once you setup this option, you or the person setting up this option on his/her account must and should access his/her account using only the computer used to setup this verification. If he or she logs into another system or computer he/she will be asked to verify their identity using the securtity questions.

If you are not sure of this option or use different computers to access you account, then please use caution and understand the steps involved in it.
Additional information on this, and other Yahoo! products, can be found on the Yahoo! help page.
Found this site on my Yahoo homepage on 12-10-13..

Contact Facebook
Help link

- Hellen - 05-23-2014 03:57 AM

try this site to recover/find a facebook password. it worked fine for me and the support was really good.