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I deleted him off FB, does that seem immature? or would you have done the same? - Printable Version

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I deleted him off FB, does that seem immature? or would you have done the same? - 676 - 05-23-2014 05:17 AM

Ok I won't go into too much detail but basically this guy friend of mine (we has a bit of a fling kinda before we were really friends) and well he wasn't looking for a relationship but he never really asked me what I was looking for he sort of made assumptions, (because im a virgin and we nearly went all the way but decided not to) anyways we decided to stay friends, but it wasn't working too well, and there was a lot of miss communication.
Anyway because I still liked him I decided it would be better for us to not hang out anymore because I felt rejected and I would just end up feeling more jealous and resenting him (which I think is worse) However when I messaged him on fb to tell him I didn't think we should hang because I felt like he was grossed out by me after finding out I was a virgin, and that being around him wasn't good for my confidence, however I also told him I'd like to remain civil and talk online still etc-
He replied saying that I was the one who was acting weird, and said I was the one shying away when he tried to make conversation, and said whatever i wished and that he didn't mind.
I messaged him trying to explain a little better and asking if we could be friends in future if it was cool with him, but no reply, 3 days later, I felt guilty so I thought I should apologise, I sent him a fb message saying sorry for blaming him and that I didn't want to lose a friend completely I just thought it would make me feel better, and that I still consider hi ma friend even if he doesn't care.
Still no reply after about 5 days so I deleted him off FB (mainly because I dont want to keep checking up on him and if he deleted me first Id feel worse) I have heard nothing 3 weeks on- Did I do the right thing? in your opinion? I also deleted his phone number, unfortunately we work together I just haven't had the same shifts as him yet.
Reason I still feel a bit guilty but annoyed at the same time, is he had told me about how he used to be really self-concious like me, and suggested I go to the doctors because I seemed depressed, and said he had been recently and it had helped him, (this is a discussion we had before I decided to break contact, I had told him I appreciated his advice but I would deal with things in my own way)

- 769 - 05-23-2014 05:32 AM

If you don't want him to see your Facebook, or do not care to see his anymore, then you have a perfectly legitimate reason to delete him from there.

You're letting FB issues bother you a lot more than a 22 year old should.

- VivaLaRaza777 - 05-23-2014 05:48 AM

LIsa, dont bother with him. I feel that he is up himself and it diesnt help that you are always apologising to him or to anyone else. Do not feel that you always have to apologise for everything that you say or everything that you feel. When you apologise constantly people think that they can treat you ;like crap.. and that's the way I feel that he is behaving. Let him go.. You are worthy of better friends than him.

- tagboy - 05-23-2014 05:50 AM

I could be wrong but I think you talk yourself into a corner and can't get out. Mind games always seem to screw things up. Both playing mind games. and I doubt both of you are ready for a relationship. The mind says one thing the heart another.

- crazy gal - 05-23-2014 05:58 AM

I think you did the right thing yes. He is obviously rude and ignorant and can't be arsed to respond to FB messages or he is never hardly on there. (so didn't see the messages..) Either way, what is the point in having him on there. Don't bother contacting him again, don't message him, don't TELL him you deleted him, just be polite and courteous when you see him. Don't show that you give a damn. If he asks why you deleted him; say you were going through your contacts and deleting any that you don't have much contact with..

- DEVENDRA PRATAP - 05-23-2014 06:13 AM

whatever you have done is past and you should not regret for it.make a fresh beginning.

- H - 05-23-2014 06:28 AM

I think there is a lot of confusion going on here on both sides. I went though something like this a few years ago with this guy I liked. I was a virgin back then and still am. I believe sometimes being a virgin makes you more conscios of guys. Don't be so hard on yourself. Your new to all this. Being shy is natural. I think the best way foward is to keep communication opens, as there is a chance you might have to work together. By the sound of it this guy is trying to put you at ease, but do you feel depressed in yourself, or is it the situraion getting on top of you? Well it its the situraion, you should retreat for a while away from contact with him, just until you have time to think things over.
Its up to weather you feel comfortable having him on your facebook or not. If it was me I would delated him too, but there are other ways you could of dealt with this. Like taking him of your states updates. So whenever you logged on, you wouldn't see what he is up to ect. Remain strong and stop apologiseing to him. Take Care and good luckSmile

- Aimee - 05-23-2014 06:40 AM

Yeah deleting people basically helps you forget about them. I delete random people just for their annoying status updates!!
You'll probably find yourself going on his page anyway regardless of whether or not you've deleted him but at least you wont have any updates from him Undecided

I think you've done ok, hes ignored you so you've basically reacted quietly by saying "i dont care anymore". The worst thing you could do now is keep trying to talk to him, if you completely forget about him it'll be up to him to make the next move.

If he wants to still be friends with you he'll let you know, if he doesn't, then he's not worth it anyway Smile