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i want to open SEO can any help me.? - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: i want to open SEO can any help me.? (/thread-158695.html)

i want to open SEO can any help me.? - 533 - 05-23-2014 08:58 AM


- bhphere - 05-23-2014 09:01 AM

your question does not seems to be clear, what you want to open in SEO, a website offering your SEO services or what, if you mean a website, than register a domain name and buy a hosting account, and work on your site design and content

- William Words - 05-23-2014 09:05 AM

your question is not clear. I am not getting that what you want open in seo.
if you will join seo institute than you can search institute in India.

- Jen Wiss - 05-23-2014 09:07 AM

I'm assuming you want to open an SEO company or website. If that's the case, you'll need to learn the trade! Here are my top tips:

1) Start with SEO Moz's beginner's guide to SEO:

2) Take full advantage of the rest of SEO Moz's resources -

3) Get to grips with Google's webmaster guidelines - this is what all of your websites should be aiming for:

4) Keep a close eye on Matt Cutts' blog (the section on Google and SEO): -

5) Keep an eye on the SEO related sections of the Angel SEO website:

6) Have a read of Rand Fishkin's book 'The Art of SEO' -