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How do you create a website? How can I profit off of it? - Printable Version

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How do you create a website? How can I profit off of it? - Mambaâ„¢ - 05-23-2014 07:15 PM

- Jake - 05-23-2014 07:26 PM

How do I create a site that You profit from?

Creating something on a blog platform requiring no programming is probably the most common way, if you are a gifted writer who can create engaging content that attracts thousands of visitors a week, you can earn some money from advertising. Google's is free, made by Google as another place people can earn revenue from their Adsense advertising. One really has to focus on building up a publication for some time before worrying about making money from it, learning SEO techniques to increases the traffic from search engines helps as well.

Another special example site is an Amazon affiliate 'store' site that presents products, providing links to the Amazon store, any resulting sales earn a 4% to 8% commission. There are data feeds available that automatically populate catalog pages.

- Delon - 05-23-2014 07:34 PM

Build a website with WordPress, write content to gain traffic to your site with SEO. Then you can sell ads on your site or promote products to gain a centain comission of your sales.