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I need help advertising my website? - Printable Version

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I need help advertising my website? - Chief Raijin - 05-24-2014 12:43 AM

I have a new website and im trying to get it as much attention as possible. My budget is very small but id like to know some of the most effective ways to generate more leads for myself Smile

- Scott - 05-24-2014 12:52 AM

With a small budget, it means you will be doing most of the work yourself. Here are the areas you should focus on:

- Building out as much highly relelvant, high quality content you can related to your field. If you can create online tools, tutorials, and other valuable resources. This will assist you in building "link bait"
- Get involved in social media, specifically Google Plus. Over time this will play a positive role in your organic rankings
- Increase your inbound links. Work hard on making connections with other quality industry websites and getting them to link to you. Quality over quantity, but still work on getting as many as you can.

So in a nutshell there are some areas you should probably focus on. Read up and learn as much about SEO as you can if you can not afford to hire out. Your time however is probably better spent on other aspects of your business, so hiring a professional to at least audit your website and point you in the right direction is likely money very well spent.

A full ongoing monthly SEO campaign for your site by an experienced professional is a smart move, but depending on your budget may not be feasible.

- Justin - 05-24-2014 01:06 AM

I agree with above answer

Save your money, do your own seo and traffic generation.

1. step 1 - find the right keywords
2. step 2 - post highly relevant high quality content on your website about your keywords
3. step 3 - blanket the internet with content about your keywords on highly trafficed sites and link back to your site. (facebook, twitter, youtube, pintrest, article directories, social bookmarking, web 2.0 properties, forums, and so on)
4. step 4 - rinse and repeat over and over until you reach desired results.

All of this may sound foreign, good news Youtube has plenty of free training on all of this and a simple google search will give you most of the information.

Good Luck

- Kenton - 05-24-2014 01:22 AM

I would suggest you to search for some SEO companies that provide services at affordable cost.
However, if you want to do most of SEO work for your site, then the first thing that you should do is create your brand awareness amongst large number of people. What you can do is explore social media sites, since it is an easy yet very effective way of promoting any site easily.

- Derar - 05-24-2014 01:26 AM

Read this post, it can help to start promoting your new website: