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Building backlinks to your website? - Printable Version

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Building backlinks to your website? - Kohola - 05-24-2014 06:12 AM

Hello. I have started building backlinks through blog commenting, by provding my website in the 'website' box. I've only started doing it the past 2 days. 3 a day. However, when i go to ahrefs and chedck my websites rank/backlinks it doesn't say anything. It all says O.. Nothing is ranked. Am i doing something wrong? Does it take a few days for backlinks to actually register or what? What am i doing wrong :O thanks

- Jake - 05-24-2014 06:25 AM

Give it time, those backlink reporting services follow links from site to site to discover new backlinks, it takes considerable time to go through billions of links.

Be aware that blog comments are some of the lowest value backlinks, getting them from relevant posts would help a bit, s rule of thumb, the easier a link is to get the less valuable it is, try to use a name that sounds like a persons name to avoid getting your comment removed, those that don't care about spam keywords for comment names are probably worthless pages.

Mix up your backlink sources to avoid being flagged as unnatural link patterns, that means some noFollow even though the value is limited, forum post and social bookmarking links, and if at all possible better quality links like guest posts with in body links or at least article directory submissions.

A little search aid for finding relevant blogs and forums:

- Imisidro2 - 05-24-2014 06:29 AM

Stop. That is NOT the right way to build links. Your whole strategy is wrong

Google ranks blog comments as low quality link. If it sees that a big percentage of your backlink profile is made up of blog comments, you may get an "Unnatural link warning" in Google Webmaster Tools (I trust you have GWT for your sites? If not, go sign up for GWT). Worse, you can get hit by Penguin update, which targets low quality and unnatural links.

Given the recent animal updates of Google -- Penguin, Panda -- building links through "blog commenting" is a technique that should be thrown away.

I suggest you read the discussion in WebmasterWorld on "What are the best link building practices after the Penguin"

If I were you, I would go back to those where you posted your blog comments and delete them. Some sites, in fact, have now been charging fees for removing "low quality links" including blog comments, etc.

- Fidel - 05-24-2014 06:41 AM

There are many other techniques in off page seo which you can use like social bookmarking, directory submission, forum posting, classifieds and many more. Creating back links only from the blog comments will not provide any benefit to your website.

- Charles - 05-24-2014 06:54 AM

ScrapeBox won't build that many links unless you have an autoapprove list, it's also pretty crappy for strong backlinks.
Check out the 2 links below I've posted, 1 is for a NoFollow tutorial, the other is for a different automated software that builds DoFollow backlinks and it even beats the dreaded penguin!

- Jasmine Sanderson - 05-24-2014 06:56 AM

Stop the blog commenting because it's not a good strategy to build your links. If your domain is new you need fist article submission and social bookmarking for your website after doing this work you go on forums. Participate in forums with your website links signatures. It's a good strategy to build backlinks and increase your rank in Google.