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Why do I keep having to disconnect and reconnect to my wireless network? - Printable Version

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Why do I keep having to disconnect and reconnect to my wireless network? - 597 - 05-24-2014 07:54 AM

A few days ago I encountered a problem, my computer began stuttering and lagging, making it impossible to watch videos or play video games, which is the main reason I even bought my computer. I originally thought the problem could be fixed by doing a system restore so I restored it to a couple of months ago, but the problem persisted, and yes I did turn the router off and on a few times but that did not help and I reset the router as well neither did that. The problem is not in the wireless network because both my iPhone and my tablet don't have this connectivity issue. The internet is sporadic at best, if I am lucky I will get four bars, but inevitably it drops to three and then eventually two and at two it begins lagging and stuttering. Once I disconnect from the internet the computer even speeds up(I obviously cannot go onto the internet but my mouse stops lagging and fidgeting). All I have to do to get the connection back is click the wifi icon and then disconnect and reconnect to the internet, but this is an extreme inconvenience and not as fun as it sounds if I am playing a game online or watching a movie and the audio starts stuttering or if the connection becomes really bad in the middle of a download... This problem has become extremely frustrating and I have work to do on the computer. Any help would be much appreciated

I have an Asus desktop with 8 gigs of RAM running windows 7 home premium 64 bit with and i7 processor

- James - 05-24-2014 08:04 AM

I have had the same problem multiple times. In each case it was my router. Sometimes you can upgrade OR downgrade the router's firmware to fix the problem.

One way to check is to plug your modem directly into your computer and see if it persists. If it continues, it could be the modem.

- Will - 05-24-2014 08:11 AM

I would check for programs running in the backround, more specifically program updating. This will cause your computer to slow.

In regards the audio issue, please check your device manager and update any drivers with a yellow icon beside them.

If your internet is dropping off then you must have a problem with your wireless network as well. Do you have cordless phone in the house. If yes check to see what frequency your router and phone broadcast at. Both of mine was 2.4GHz, which caused bad connection problems. You can change the channel on your router in the settings.

Good luck

- Boris 24 - 05-24-2014 08:16 AM

1.Outdated Network driver.Update driver using Device Manager.
Double click on Network Adapters to expand..Double click on non finctional adapter.In Properties window click on tab Driver.Click Update.Click Update Automativally.
2.If step 1 does not help the problem is in adapter
(piece of hardware). Then you can buy external USB Network Adapter.It's about $20;00