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Did this girl use me? - Printable Version

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Did this girl use me? - 487 - 05-24-2014 08:14 AM

I met her online. Known her for 3 years. Was in an online relationship for 1 years. She moved around a lot as a kid. A loner. No social skills. Books smart and naive. She's self righteous, critical, analytical, objective, intolerant, sarcastic, manipulative, etc.

She manipulated me into a relationship by wanting a role model. Then I got negated, manipulated, twisted around, she manipulated my sub conscious and always turned everything against me. She loved the validation of always trying to be right so she could believe in herself. She did come along way with me but I felt like she was just using me and i got nothing but misery and anxiety from her. After a year, she was overly confident and became a legend in her mind. People started talking to her, and it helped her self image cuz she's insanely insecure. After the positive responses, she acted like she was becoming uninterested in a relationship with me but had sneaky ways of saying it by twisting ways and trying to blame me until she finally came out and said she talked to a guy 6 times, had a crush, then stopped talking to him cuz she was with me. Then she tried blaming it on me saying if I wasn't talking to girls on Facebook then she wouldn't need to notice other guys which was bs.

I broke up with her cuz she's immature and problematic - her own family has problems with her. Now she's trying to get my attention because I'm not there to empower her and she's became a recluse again and insecure around people.

- Oscar - 05-24-2014 08:18 AM

Dude just avoid her, you don't need that kind of energy, if you see her just look at her and brush off your shoulder and keep walking, have some self confidence bro