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Text him/fb/or nothing? Your answers will determine my actions!? - Printable Version

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Text him/fb/or nothing? Your answers will determine my actions!? - Panda! - 05-24-2014 02:18 PM

He likes me, i like him... hes rubbish at initiating contact, but i need to do something during the holidays as i wont see him for ages. So...

Fb mssg him?
Text him?
Do nothing and wait for him to contact me first?

Im leaving it up to fate -my decision will be based on all your answers.. thanks!

- Jaz - 05-24-2014 02:25 PM

text him, suggest an activity you both like (no movie stuff, something more active is better) and ask to see if he'd like to join u.

- Katlana Proistro - 05-24-2014 02:37 PM

text him. but not everyday. text him for a day and then dont for maybe 2 or 3. let him text you.

- Amok - 05-24-2014 02:38 PM

Do both. I'd facebook first, then text him later on, and then after you've had some conversations invite him to go somewhere. Kinda build up to it, so you can sort of ease him in without scaring him off first.

- The Girl - 05-24-2014 02:40 PM

if he is on facebook. fb message him then its more of a 'i can talk to you so i will' not a 'i am taking time away from my life to text you "wats up"'. but if he doesnt go on fb then you can text him. but you should prob text him only if you have something to ask or say or tell.
question: are you from the UK. you write like you are