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how to advertise small school in cheap way? - Printable Version

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how to advertise small school in cheap way? - Souad - 05-24-2014 05:13 PM


We have small school in east london and I would like to know if anyone of you has idea about how can to get more students and how to let more people know about . we have already made leaflets and all that stuff . any other ideas please ?

- Andy - 05-24-2014 05:24 PM

Try Google Ad Words, they put you at the top of the searches.

If not, talk to local schools or nursery's that will feed students up to you as they progress?

- robert m - 05-24-2014 05:27 PM

Try contacting the local media, or letters to the newspapers. Should raise your profile.

- Carol - 05-24-2014 05:35 PM

Better is leaflet promotion, Because you can get 10,000 55x85 Leaflets( Printed 2 Sides, 130 Gloss)
for £38.00 , isn't cheaper?
For ad words successful campaign you should need at least £100.So why wait with confusion, print leaflets and supply it to you targeted clients.

Sharing to printers from London (They offers free delivery )