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How To Kill The Competition In Local Search? - Printable Version

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How To Kill The Competition In Local Search? - 974 - 05-24-2014 07:17 PM

I have a website delivering services particular to an area. I have lots of local online competitors. Let me know the ways out to kill the local competition.

- Sourabh - 05-24-2014 07:33 PM

do more work than your competitors.

- J - 05-24-2014 07:42 PM

it depends on how strong they are.

there are about 50 local directories in the USA that should be used to develop a local search presence. make sure that all that you use have every piece of info filled in properly. some allow you to link to your presence on their site, do this but only for a top few

ask all current and previous customers in an email to log into some of those and provide feedback with ratings. reply online to every feedback , when possible, thanking them