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Someone used my pictures from facebook to create a profile on a dating website, plenty of fish. What can I do? - Printable Version

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Someone used my pictures from facebook to create a profile on a dating website, plenty of fish. What can I do? - ms.peaches420 - 05-24-2014 08:52 PM

I have already reported this person to the website and emailed them several times with no response. I even created some B.S. account just so I could confront this person and no response. There just has to be something I can do?!! These are all my pictures with her information!! : (

- C J - 05-24-2014 09:04 PM

Don't put anything on facebook that you don't want other people to see.

- Pravallika - 05-24-2014 09:07 PM

that is why you are asked to protect your stuff from these preying animals. report it to a local law enforcement agency with cyber crime support. send the owner a formal request to take them down. file a legal proceeding if it doesn't help.