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I had cybersex and now I'm scared? - Printable Version

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I had cybersex and now I'm scared? - Zac - 05-24-2014 11:58 PM

Hi I'm a 15 y old boy and I have had cybersex (webcam) with other guys on multiple occasions (maybe 5?). About 2 were adults, the rest were minors. I'm really scared I'm going to get in trouble for this especially considering I lied about my age to the 18+ people, saying I was 18... (yes I'm bi if you were wondering). When I do it I'm really horny and can't stop myself... I guess I just really want to experiment with other guys... how can I stop doing this? Every time I *** I tell myself I'm disgusting, and won't do it again...

So if the police somehow got ahold of this...
Is it illegal for 2 minors to have cybersex?
Who would get in trouble if they discovered I had cybersex with an adult as a minor? Me or the other person?

I'm really scared right now please help!
I'm going to stop of course. For real this time.

- Shawtyjill - 05-25-2014 12:00 AM

Yes its illegal regardless who ur with because ur only 15. I suggest u stop before u get caught. U never know wat could happen.

- lola - 05-25-2014 12:08 AM

It's the adults who are performing an illegal activity if you clearly look your young age. Boys (and men) have been masturbating since evolution gave men a penis. It's 100% normal. But you should probably stick to the traditions of looking at naked pictures, your imagination, and a locked bathroom door. A 15 y/o is normal when they're exploring sexuality and dealing with raging hormones. But there are ways to do it and ways not to do it. Lying is never a good idea.

- Kaitlyn - 05-25-2014 12:10 AM

delete everything including your acc and all. Make sure no one gets your information and stop. Then you should be fine.

- Nisia - 05-25-2014 12:25 AM

"Is it illegal for 2 minors to have cybersex?
Who would get in trouble if they discovered I had cybersex with an adult as a minor? Me or the other person? "

1. Yes
2. Both