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How do I stop my twitter from automatically updating my facebook status? - Printable Version

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How do I stop my twitter from automatically updating my facebook status? - yes sir - 10-16-2012 06:34 AM

My facebook isn't in my twitter connections, I already tried that.

- Dexter - 10-16-2012 06:42 AM

Choose one twitter message or tweet posted in your facebook wall and click the "X" button located at the upper right of that tweet/message and you can see 3 options there upon clicking the "X"

1. Remove this post
2. Remove Twitter
3. Mark as spam

Choose #2 for you to stop the automatic updates of twitter on your facebook.

Hope this helps.

- Amanda B - 10-16-2012 06:42 AM

Deauthorize your twitter app in facebook. Or if you want to select up your tweets to post on your facebook, search "selective tweets" app on facebook. I'm sure you would figure that out when you follow some instructions in your account.

- Steve - 10-16-2012 06:42 AM

Here's an FAQ on how to do this.

Settings / Application Settings
Pull down the Show menu to "Allowed to Post"
Go to Twitter
Click Edit Settings
Application Permissions Tab:
UNCHECK Publish recent activity (one line stories) to my wall

- Mazharul - 10-16-2012 06:42 AM

Stop automatic updating:
You can do it by two ways—one, removing the app; two—disconnecting your Facebook profile from twitter account keeping the application.

• Removing the app:
1. Go to:
2. Then click “edit settings” at your installed twitter application
3. Click Remove App.
4. This will remove the twitter application from your Facebook account.

• Disconnecting twitter account from Facebook:
1.Log into your account
2.On the left sidebar – you’ll find the list of applications you’re using,
3.Select the twitter application you’re using
4.You’ll reach application page
5.You’ll find the following quoted portion. Click that link on that page and affirm again in the pop up confirmation box. You’re disconnected.
“Your Facebook & Twitter accounts are connected!
Want to disconnect your Twitter and Facebook accounts? “