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What's the deal with Facebook Thing, 'Someone from Greenvillle wants to connect with you but you must agree to following - Printable Version

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What's the deal with Facebook Thing, 'Someone from Greenvillle wants to connect with you but you must agree to following - 713 - 05-25-2014 02:54 AM

I keep getting these postings on my Facebook page saying 'someone from Greenville has liked your Facebook profile profile. This is your chance to find out who they are. BUT you MUST agree to the following rules....'

I moved around a LOT when I was growing up, and I've been trying to connect with former classmates online for several years now, and I've found several old classmates this way. I don't necessarily remember all their names but we have common memories. So I don't want to shut out people I Really Did Go To School With in Japan, Germany, Italy, Indiana, New York, etc., etc. etc.

So this MIGHT be a former classmate trying to get in touch with me. But this Thing about 'you must agree to following rules...' sounds suspicious to me.

So can anyone tell me what this is about?

- Daniel - 05-25-2014 02:59 AM

Greenville The Game May Have Some Rules to It You Have to Accept it Probably According to There Rules

- Angeleyes - 05-25-2014 03:12 AM

Yes indeed it does sound a bit suspicious, I personally wouldn't trust it.