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Help decapitate facebook's income? - Printable Version

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Help decapitate facebook's income? - captain - 05-25-2014 02:55 AM

Facebook has decided to allow videos of decapitations once more on its website.

I firmly believe we can protect our countries national security by forcing facebook to REMOVE these videos from their site. NEVER give terrorists a voice.

My question Are you willing to tweet, tumble. blog etc all the main companies advertising on Facebook which appears alongside such content.

My idea is if we force advertisers to pull out - Facebook will respond almost immediately.

- James - 05-25-2014 03:08 AM

I LIKE your way of thinking!

- Tel - 05-25-2014 03:22 AM

You mean that you want to hide the truth about what is happening? If terrorists are doing these things surely the public have a right to know, and a picture is worth a thousand words as they say. Don't stop facebook stop the decapitations. So no I will not support your cause. Perhaps when people see these things they will take terrorism more seriously and stop living in denial.

- PAUL C - 05-25-2014 03:31 AM

A quick google search would get a video of the same. Only sick freaks would want to watch it

- RockHunter - 05-25-2014 03:36 AM

Is allowing these videos "giving terrorists a voice", or showing the true nature of the animals who claim they are "peaceful"?

- pretty_sweet - 05-25-2014 03:49 AM

Great idea. I will start emailing around now

- Helen S - 05-25-2014 04:01 AM

Sorry but I really do have to disagree with you. I'm 62, born not long after the 2nd world war and as such grew up hearing probably more than was good for me as a child. In the village we had two men who had been in Japanese prisoner of war camps, one was a wreck emotionally and the other physically through having all his finger and toes nails and most of his teeth pulled out by the guards in the prison camp. He walked on the outer edges of his feet and could barely hold a newspaper because all his limbs were infected for years until he got back to the uk but even then penicillin wasn't as good as it is today and so it took a long time for him to even be able to leave his home.
Instead of hiding the truth from young children people in the village openly discussed what had happened to these men and so I grew up knowing just how bestially cruel the Japs had been. The commonly held view was that we had nearly lost our freedom in the uk thanks to appeasers, that Winston Churchill had been warning for years about Germany rearming but the appeasers tried to airbrush concerns away.

Know thine enemy - an excellent adage. Let people see what they're capable of doing and the reasons why they're doing it. Decapitation and stoning of innocent people is a daily event to the rabid old 12thC throwbacks and unless the western world really starts to wake up they'll be pushing for sharia law in the uk on the hustings before too long. They're breeding faster than the rest of the population, many due to interbreeding are causing great concerns to the NHS - don't sleepwalk into appeasing them

- angelina - 05-25-2014 04:03 AM

NO, just boycott shops and businesses that are run and employ people of the same religion. This will get the message across that the west will not tolerate these barbaric practices and hopefully this message will get relayed 'back home'.
@Helen, yes I remember seeing some of these men when I was younger. The local newsagent had not finger nails as he was an ex POW in a Japanese camp. My dad refused to buy anything made in Japan and said if everyone did that it would hurt their economy. That was in the days when goods were made in Britain so he would be very hard pressed to not to today! Funny enough he didn't object to stuff from Germany (?)

- Bridget - 05-25-2014 04:14 AM

If watching that stops people in their tracks and makes them think about shariah law then it wont do any harm and might stop the rise of islam.

- Sherlock - 05-25-2014 04:28 AM

It's not real images that should be banned they portray the disgusting truth in vivid terms, the real weirdos are those who produce artificial depictions of sanitised, bloodless, painless violence in video games and television; and the parents who let the kids watch and believe it.

Show them the real thing, let them see the horrors or terrorism, war, violence and pain, stop corrupting them with lies.