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Get my ex gf back after second time break up with her? - Printable Version

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Get my ex gf back after second time break up with her? - 996 - 05-25-2014 03:35 AM

Im 19. I broke up wid my gf (she proposed me 1st time) 4 years back.. then I realized my fault n tried 2 get her back, after a tremendous effort she finally accepted me as her bf (last month). After 4 days i got angry wid her for some reason n said 'bye forever' in rage.. again we broke up..i apologized like hell but she didnt listen anything !!. now i havent talk to her for 2.5 weeks.. what Should i do now to get her back? I love her very much.. Im missing her badly :'(

- Jak - 05-25-2014 03:49 AM

Don't call or message her constantly. Don't even contact her at all. Don't click "Like" on her Instagram or Facebook or any social media for that matter. Just ignore her completely. It will drive her back to you, especially if she sees you moving forward with your life. Chasing a goal, doing something productive - moving up in the world. If she doesn't come back to you after that, then she was never really yours to begin with.

Answer mine?

- Liz - 05-25-2014 03:51 AM

Dude you guys sound like little kids going back and forth and it's going to keep going like this. This isn't a healthy relationship. And don't ignore her that's the worst thing that you can do especially if she a stubborn woman with lots of pride you will push her away. Go to counseling if that doesn't work. Break up.