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What exactly is a SEO article? - Printable Version

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What exactly is a SEO article? - dracula18141 - 05-25-2014 04:13 AM

I looked up SEO, the search engine optimization..but i do not understand what kind of article this is? If writing on something such as Health, or Fitness, do you simply just resarch and write of just that? Im so confused Undecided

- Jax - 05-25-2014 04:24 AM

A seo article is just that, an article about seo.

I don't think you understand the concept of SEO, because your question doesn't really make any sense.

What are you looking to do?

- Joy Full - 05-25-2014 04:40 AM

It means that one way to improve your SEO is to write articles which have links from other sites and will create activity, pushing up your ranking in the engines. I have pasted a link below which gives free info on this and how you can use it to your advantage.

- 777 - 05-25-2014 04:55 AM

A search engine optimized article, if that's what you mean, is an article that attracts search engine spiders and thus have a better chance of being found in search results.

Search engines are attracted to keywords, because that's how they categorize web content in their index.

An optimized article on any topic would then use the keywords that are relevant and which, ideally, should be in search engine keyword lists like that of the Google AdWords free keyword tool.

An SEO article should have it's main keyword in the title. Relevant keywords should be in the body of the article, preferably in the first and last sentences as well as in the entire body at a density of not more than 5% so as to avoid keyword stuffing which search engines hate.

If you want to write about "fat loss", for instance, it should be in the title of your article and distributed all-over at the right density. However, this is a very competitive keyword. Competitive means there are probably millions of similar articles vying for search engine attention.

To be prominent in search results, your keywords should be less competitive or long-tail variations like "fat loss diets that work" and so on.

Write with keywords in mind. Articles and websites are ranked for keywords. To be ranked high in search engine results, you have to start with less competitive ones.